Polanik Ground Anchors for Hammer Cage. K1-0026 (GROUND ANCHORS SET FOR THE CAGE KLM-7/10-A) ground anchor set for KLM-7/10-A, anchors without spaces accumulating water, corrosionproof, equipped with hinges for connecting pillars and putting them in the upright position - fast and safe cage installation, possible use of cage area for other purposes after covering anchors with synthetic surface. K1-0026 (GROUND ANCHORS SET FOR THE CAGE KLM-7/10-A). Ground anchor set for KLM-7/10-A, anchors without spaces accumulating water, corrosionproof, equipped with hinges for connecting pillars and putting them in the upright position - fast and safe cage installation, possible use of cage area for other purposes after covering anchors with synthetic surface. Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. No additional information at this time. 4Throws Competition STEEL Shot Puts (CLOSE OUT). ATE HI-SPIN INTERNATIONAL RED STEEL RIM DISCUS (80%).